Let Your Dreams Blossom

Who doesn’t love flowers? Who doesn’t love classic VW’s retrofitted as a flower truck? The two combined are just a killer combination of happiness, you can’t help but smile when you see the trucks filled to the brim with beautiful fresh seasonal flowers!

Posies Flower Truck was established in 2017 and has been bringing happiness to the community ever since. The owners, David and Stephanie Frank of Oldsmar, Florida have been long time business owners in Tampa Bay for over 30 years. Their companies, Lightning Technology Group, Inc. an IT company (Update: Lightning was acquired in November of 2021 and is now Big Sur Technologies of Tampa) and Thunder Media Group, Inc. a web development and marketing company that services small to medium sized businesses. One would think as techies the idea of owning a flower truck would be a stretch, it’s far from it! Their entire careers have been helping others be successful in their own businesses through the use of technology and creativity. When the opportunity presented itself to own one of the coolest VW in town it was a no brainer for the Franks. 

This is not their only classic VW, they also own a 1965 VW Split Window Camper bus they affectionately named Sky. “They are like potato-chips, you can’t have just one” says David Frank.

Boy does that statement hold true because adding more VW’s to the Posies family has become a real thing! A 1968 Double Cab they named Daisy was added in December 2021, a 1964 Split Window Single Cab named Sweet Pea who lives and works in Winter Park, Florida, then theres Rosie, Rain, Blossom & most recently “Newbee” who hasn’t been officially named.

With Posies popularity and brand recognition they are the bringer of people! When popping up at local businesses Posies fans love to follow wherever they go. The trucks are also popular for special events, where guests create their own bouquets by picking single stems from two rows of galvanized buckets filled with beautiful flowers or selecting pre-made bouquets, single stems and a variety of other creative ways.

From business pop-ups, grand openings, weddings, parties, photo shoots, charity fundraisers, birthdays and more Posies loves nothing more than to get creative with you and bring the happy to any special occasion! Guests will remember it for years to come. 

Where dreams come true!

Posies Flower Truck

A side photo of Posies Flower Truck. The truck has the canvas open and colorful flowers in each bucket.

Fun Bits About The Trucks

We drive them everywhere & it’s a blast, even with the old school 4 speed transmission, no air conditioning or power steering

If you give us a honk on the road and we are in the OG just know her horn doesn’t work, we will try to give you a peace sign

We have the best VW mechanic located in Safety Harbor, Florida & we call him the “VW Whisperer” & when either VW visits we to it as a “Spa Retreat”

Posies fleet ranges from 1960 to 1971 & are all German made

There’s a large Florida based VW group called Local Volks that all of the girls belong to

The trucks have a sister from another mister, a 1965 VW Camper Bus named Sky #skyvwbus

Posies Flower Truck